Module 1 Quiz: Sappho

  • Due No due date
  • Points 25
  • Questions 1
  • Time Limit 60 Minutes



To reflect on and critically engage with the literature you are reading. The goal is for you to form personal insights and opinions, deepening your understanding and appreciation of the texts.


  1. This is an open book and open notes quiz. Feel free to use whatever materials you need to complete this quiz.
  2. This is a timed quiz. You will have one hour to complete it. It will not auto submit at the hour mark, but your teacher will see the time you took.
  3. Because it’s a timed quiz, it’s important that you prepare for the quiz by completing the reading selections from Sappho and reflecting on those passages ahead of time.
  4. When you feel prepared, compose your answer.


This quiz is worth 25 points.

Only registered, enrolled users can take graded quizzes