Course Syllabus
Please use the links below to jump to different sections on the same page.
Course Description and Prerequisites | Course Objectives | Time Expectation | Course Requisite Technical Skills | Textbooks and Materials | Course Grading | Course Policies | Student Rights & Responsibilities | Overview of Assignments | Taking Proctored Assessments | Your Email Account | Student Resources | Accommodation Policy and Statements | NOVA Online Policies and Procedures | Course Summary (Assignment Schedule and Critical Dates)
Course Title: ASL 220 Comparative Linguistics: ASL & English (3 Credits)
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Course Description and Prerequisites
Course Objectives
Time Expectation
Course Requisite Technical Skills
In order to succeed in this online course, you must be comfortable working with technology. At a minimum, you must possess the following technical skills:
- Ability to use the Internet in an effective and efficient manner, including installation and management of browser plug-ins and add-ons.
- Basic knowledge about the operation of a computer, file management, and software installation.
- Working knowledge of the Canvas learning management system.
- Ability to proficiently search the web for information
- Ability to download and print information from websites
- Ability to download, view, and/or print PDF files
Textbooks and Materials
Required Textbooks
Acquiring Textbooks and Course Materials
Course Grading
Course Policies
Attendance Policy:
- Attendance is important in order for you to be successful in class. Therefore, you must attend class regularly or you will fall behind. YOU (not me!) are responsible for the information you missed if you must be absent for a class.
- If you miss more than 1/3 of the class (4 class periods), you will be withdrawn and receive a “W” (if passing, an “F” otherwise) for the course, unless there are documentable mitigating circumstances. Repeatedly missing class will negatively affect your attendance grade.
- In addition, I expect you to arrive on time to class each day and to stay for the entire class period. Please try not to schedule outside appointments during class time. Repeatedly arriving late to class or leaving early will negatively affect your attendance grade.
- I know that life "happens” and that things unexpectedly come up. People get sick, family members pass away, the internet stops working, etc. If this happens and you aren’t able to attend class, please contact me.
Late Work Policy:
Quizzes and assignments can only be submitted late with PRIOR instructor approval and with a 20% deduction in points. Any quizzes or assignments submitted after the due date without my approval will be given a 0 (zero) grade. Exams may only be taken late with 1) PRIOR instructor approval and 2) in the event of a documented emergency (i.e. doctor's note.)
Grading Turnaround Time:
All completed assignments will be graded no later than seven days from the submission date, and sooner when possible.
Incomplete Policy:
Withdraw from the Course
Student Rights & Responsibilities
Overview of Assignments
Taking Proctored Assessments
There is one interactive final exam in this course. Schedule a time with your instructor to take the final exam.
Your Email Account
Student Resources
Accommodation Policy and Statements
NOVA Online Policies and Procedures
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |