Course Syllabus

Please use the links below to jump to different sections on the same page.

Course Description and Prerequisites | Course Objectives | Course Requisite Technical Skills | Time Expectation | Textbooks and Materials | Course Grading | Course Policies | Student Rights & Responsibilities | Overview of Assignments | Taking Proctored Assessments | Your Email Account | Student ResourcesAccommodation Policy and Statements | NOVA Online Policies and Procedures | Course Summary (Assignment Schedule and Critical Dates)

Course Title:  CON 216 - Legal Considerations in Contracting (3 Credits)



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Course Description and Prerequisites


Course Objectives


Time Expectation


Course Requisite Technical Skills

In order to succeed in this online course, you must be comfortable working with technology. At a minimum, you must possess the following technical skills:

  • Ability to use the Internet in an effective and efficient manner, including installation and management of browser plug-ins and add-ons.
  • Basic knowledge about the operation of a computer, file management, and software installation.
  • Working knowledge of the Canvas learning management system.
  • Proficient searching the web for information
  • Able to download and print information from websites
  • Able to download, view, and/or print PDF files


Textbooks and Materials


Course Grading


Course Policies

Attendance Policy

Each student is expected to be active in the course each week. You are required to log into the course site at least three times a week. You may be removed from the course if at least one assignment has not been submitted by the Any One Assignment Due/NVRK date.

Discussion Policy

Following the due dates and responding promptly is an essential part of your participation in online collaborative activities. Your classmates depend on you to complete these activities. It will take a concerted effort on the part of each student to move discussions and group work forward in a timely manner. Therefore, please make sure to follow the due dates indicated in the Course Summary section of the Syllabus to complete these activities.

Communication Policy

You are required to treat your instructor and classmates with respect. We all have different opinions on issues that may spark emotion. Whatever your opinions are, you MUST respect others' opinions and treat each other professionally and politely in the online course. Comment on opinions, not on the person. This policy applies to all discussion posts and emails for the course. Please follow the communication netiquette in the Welcome/Getting Started module.

Late Work Policy

No assignments will be accepted for grading after the specified deadlines unless the instructor has been contacted prior to the deadline and special arrangements have been worked out.

All assignments are due on time. If you have an emergency or illness, contact me immediately. If you are out for an extended period of time, I need documentation of the emergency or illness in order to grant you an extension. Otherwise, late work will receive a deduction of points. I will give half credit on any late assignment ONLY when submitted up to one week late. Assignments submitted more than a week late will not be graded.

Assignment Submission

You are expected to retain an electronic copy of all work submitted. If transmission of the work fails, you are expected to "resend" the document under our directions. Assignments will be submitted in Canvas either through Discussion Board forum postings, via the Assignment feature, or via the Turnitin feature. You are expected to verify your own Canvas responses by returning to the appropriate place in Canvas after the work has been posted.

Each week you will have assignments and discussions due. Discussion assignments have a deadline of Thursday by 11:59 pm ET for initial posts, and Saturday by 11:59 pm ET for responses to classmates. The discussion deadlines are to ensure that students are actively participating during the week and not just posting at the last minute. All other assignments have a deadline of Monday night by 11:59 pm ET unless otherwise noted.

Grading Turnaround Time

I strive to return assignments to you within a week of submission. It is important for you to get written feedback on your work as the exams and quizzes depend on your correct understanding of the information that is being learned. If you find that an assignment has not been graded, please notify me via e-mail and I will promptly grade it for you with feedback.

Plagiarism Policy

Please review the information in the Plagiarism Policy and Student Rights and Responsibilities section below to understand what plagiarism is. 

Detected plagiarism on an assignment will warrant a zero on the assignment. If a second offense occurs, the student will be referred to the dean of students for possible dismissal from the class.


Incomplete Policy:

Withdraw from the Course


Student Rights & Responsibilities


Overview of Assignments


Taking Proctored Assessments



Your Email Account


Student Resources


Accommodation Policy and Statements


NOVA Online Policies and Procedures



Course Summary:

Date Details Due