Course Syllabus

Please use the links below to jump to different sections on the same page.

Course Description and Prerequisites | Course ObjectivesTime Expectation | Course Requisite Technical Skills | Textbooks and Materials | Course Grading | Course Policies | Student Rights & Responsibilities | Overview of Assignments | Taking Proctored AssessmentsYour Email Account | Student ResourcesAccommodation Policy and Statements | NOVA Online Policies and Procedures | Course Summary (Assignment Schedule and Critical Dates)

Course title: CHD 216 - Programs, Schools, and Social Change (3 credits)

Semester:  Spring 2024

Faculty: Dr. Christine Schull



Print Syllabus: You may use the Print feature of your browser to print out the syllabus or save it as a PDF document.

Course Description and Prerequisites


Course Objectives


Time Expectation


Course Requisite Technical Skills

In order to succeed in this online course, you must be comfortable working with technology. At a minimum, you must possess the following technical skills:

  • Ability to use the Internet in an effective and efficient manner, including installation and management of browser plug-ins and add-ons,
  • Basic knowledge about the operation of a computer, file management, and software installation,
  • Working knowledge of the Canvas learning management system,
  • Ability to proficiently search the web for information,
  • Ability to download and print information from websites,
  • Ability to download, view, and/or print PDF files,
  • Ability to create a simple webpage using Weebly, Wix, Googlesites, or any other free and easy-to-use platform of your choice,
  • Ability to use the Microsoft Office tools Word and PowerPoint to complete class assignments.


Textbooks and Materials

Acquiring Textbooks and Course Materials


Course Grading

Course Policies

Attendance Policy: Students will have fixed weekly due dates.

Late Work Policy: Students are responsible for meeting due dates. If you have an emergency/illness, you need to let me know as the emergency is occurring. Discussion boards cannot be completed late.

Grading Turnaround Time: All completed assignments will be graded no later than seven days from the submission date, and sooner when possible.

Late Work Policy: 

Attendance Policy: Students will have fixed weekly due dates.

Late Work Policy: Students are responsible for meeting due dates. If you have an emergency/illness, you need to let me know as the emergency is occurring. Discussion boards cannot be completed late.

Grading Turnaround Time:

All completed assignments will be graded no later than seven days from the submission date, and sooner when possible.

Incomplete Policy

Withdraw from the Course


Student Rights & Responsibilities


Overview of Assignments


Taking Proctored Assessments



Your Email Account


Student Resources


Accommodation Policy and Statements


NOVA Online Policies and Procedures


Course Summary:

Date Details Due